A Year End Note

And another year is almost in the books! I’m not sure where time is going, it seems the older you get the faster time speeds up. So, I’m sitting here on this rainy December day as the year comes to an end and am taking a moment to reminisce over the past year, which was a different one. It was the first year in several that allowed time for a pause and reflect on the last few years of business and my personal life and to honour everything 2023 provided. 

Over the past year we have revisited completed projects to capture photos. It has been so fun seeing the spaces almost how we left them and catching up with clients. We have so many great projects to share with you and can’t wait to start doing so in the new year. We have also revamped our website and social media, which has been something I have wanted to do for ages but couldn’t make the time and hadn’t quite met the right people to help rollout the vision, which has been another win!

On a personal front, there have been so many great things to have happened. Something I have been dreaming about for years was buying a house to fix up. After my manfriend, Duncan, moved from the west coast we started searching for areas to move to. We settled on the creative and gritty city of Hamilton. We bought a house next to the escarpment which provided a large backyard and a beautiful view from our dining room. We have been spending most of our time renovating the new space and still have more to complete before we begin sharing. It has been so much fun however, if there’s one lesson, I have learned it’s that I should have hired a professional because as much as I love to paint, I developed a minor injury after painting the entire house! But I digress…😉

The biggest thing I have and will always be grateful for are my daughters. Riley, 13 and Hattie, 11 are my greatest gifts. They continue to grow and teach me daily the art of patience, listening, not only how to be a better parent but also a better person. My wish for them is to keep growing into their knowing, and to continue being their awesome selves.

Looking ahead to the new year, I am most looking forward to sharing more work with everyone, creating more great spaces, adventuring and exploring new areas in Hamilton and surrounding areas which I aim to share with you, and continuing to build a home with Duncan. It’s been a busy year and while I do love my bed and sleeping I wouldn’t exchange the tired days for anything.

And for you, thank you for being here. There is so much content out there and I am grateful that you have spent a little time in this space. I hope that 2024 is gentle on you and that you are able to pause to reflect on all the wonderful things happening in your world. 

December 29, 2023


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